Farrington Gurney Primary School is somewhere that “pupils feel safe” and where “leaders place the utmost importance on keeping pupils safe” – Ofsted 2020


Whilst all of our staff receive regular safeguarding training, you should be aware that the following people are responsible for safeguarding and child protection:


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Andrew Dix - Head of School

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Dan Turull

Safeguarding Governors: Laura Tyrrell and Oliver Lynn


If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue, please contact us to speak with one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads or find further detail in our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies.


Click here to read the Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy

Click here to read our Local Safeguarding Procedures

Click here to read the Whistleblowing Policy

Click here to read our EYFS/Key Stage 1 ICT Acceptable Use Agreement

Click here to read our Key Stage 2 IT Acceptable User Policy


Alternatively, you can click here to access further detail via the Bath & North East Somerset Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership website
