When do children start school?

Children attend Farrington Gurney Primary School between the ages of 4 and 11, entering our Reception class at the start of the academic year in which they become five years old. We recognise that some children will enter school just after their fourth birthday; our admission arrangements are designed to enable each child to settle well and to become confident and happy in school.

We have a gradual induction of children into school over a two-week period in September so that they can become familiar with the adults responsible for their care and education and school routines. At the end of the phased induction period, parents are given an opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss whether he or she is ready for full time schooling. However it is the expectation that most, if not all, of the children will begin full time from Week 3.

Once offer letters have been sent out, pre-Reception children and their parents are invited into school. Firstly, parents can come to the New Induction afternoon where they have the opportunity to meet with the Reception class teacher and other school staff to find out more about the school. Subsequently the children are invited to two afternoon transition sessions where they get to familiarise themselves with their classroom and peers.

School admissions for Reception children are made through the Local Authority (Bath and North East Somerset) on the following link: http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/schools-colleges-and-learning/admissions-schools

If you have an older child that you wish to move to Farrington Gurney then the admissions are completed through the school rather than the Local Authority. Please call the office to make an appointment so you can view the school; you will then be given the relevant paperwork to complete, which we are happy to help you with.

Our admission policy for 2023-2024 can be found here

Our admission policy for 2024-2025 can be found here

Our admission policy for 2025-2026 can be found here