Holiday in Term Time

Holidays during term time will not be authorised unless there are very exceptional circumstances and never at the following times:

  • KS1 & KS2 SATS assessments
  • If attendance is under 94%
  • If there would be more than 10 days holiday in any academic year

If holidays are not authorised, and they are still taken, the matter will be referred to the Children Missing Education Service and a penalty notice requested where they are 5 days or longer. This also includes 5 or more separate holiday days (10 school sessions) taken within a 50 day period (100 school sessions).

Further details of this (including cost) are included on the BANES Website.


A Leave of Absence Form can be collected from the main school office or downloaded through the Policies page. This should be completed by the parents and passed to the School Office at least two weeks ahead of the holiday. Our Secretary will review the attendance and pass to the Executive Headteacher/Head of School with regard to formal authorisation.

If the holiday is authorised this will be marked in the register and the form will be returned to that effect.

If the holiday is not authorised the parent will be notified and the unauthorised absence will be recorded in the register.

The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will be responsible for overseeing the Penalty Notice Request, which may be passed on to the Local Authority.